作者:admin 日期:2019-09-24 11:38 关注度:
不管身在哪里,总有那么一个瞬间足够点燃你心中无限的爱国情怀 ,比如为建国70周年献礼的70米巨幅国旗!!!

No matter where you are, there is always an instant enough to ignite the infinite patriotic feelings in your heart, such as the 70-meter giant flag dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic! ! !
At the special moment of the upcoming 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, the 70-meter giant flag on the tourist bridge of the first high-altitude narrow-bottomed canyon in Zhuhai, Sichuan Province is about to debut! ! ! The cable bridge that traverses the two peaks, according to the ground, the pedestrian walks on the bridge like a cloud
Our huge flag will also be shocked here.
It is reported that the huge flag is 70 meters wide and 47 meters wide, with a total area of 3,266 square meters, equivalent to 8 standard basketball courts. It is the largest national flag in Sichuan. On October 1st, the Sichuan bamboo sea and the 70-meter huge flag in the 100-meter high sky were framed.
Not only the appearance of the huge flag, but also on October 1st in the Chuanxiu Seaview District of Sichuan, we also prepared a small red flag of 9999 and a praise to the motherland. In the same good mountain and river, with a huge national flag, singing a song of the motherland, and loving a country, we are a part of the 1.4 billion flag-bearers, I love you China.