作者:admin 日期:2019-09-01 12:54 关注度:
秋高气爽的天气,正是适合出游的好季节,音乐与旅游这对最佳拍档在9月的周末夜晚平乐古镇又要搞大事件了,第7届带把吉他去平乐——"2019梦想达人秀"WE ARE COMING!
这意味着白天,在穿越过万亩竹海,行径了呐喊泉、相思崖、缘定桥感受过仙雾缥缈的深谷栈道,体验过九曲栈道的惊险,玩了一把高空索桥、玻璃栈道刺激后,夜晚,还能让你的才艺拥有施展的舞台。还等什么呢不管你是颜值爆表的校花or校草还是醉心乐器的达人不管你是擅长小清新范儿还是流行音乐风只要你愿意展示2019梦想达人秀I WANT YOU。活动背景
时 间 地 点
比赛时间:9月6日,7日,13日,14日 晚19:00-21:00

The autumn weather is a good season for travel. The best partner for music and travel is to have a big event in Pingle Ancient Town on the weekend of September. The 7th will bring the guitar to Pingle - "2019 Dream Daren show "WE ARE COMING.
This means that during the day, after crossing the 10,000-acre bamboo sea, the path of the shouting spring, Xiangsi Cliff, and Yuanding Bridge felt the deep valley path of the fairy smog, experienced the thrill of the Jiuqu plank road, played a high-altitude cable bridge, glass After the road is stimulating, at night, you can also let your talents have a stage to display. What are you waiting for? Whether you are a school flower or school grass or a fascinating instrument, whether you are good at small fresh or popular music, as long as you are willing to show the 2019 dream show I WANT YOU.
Activity background
In order to further implement the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, we will dig deep into the ideological concepts, humanistic spirit, and moral norms implied by the fine traditional Chinese culture, and inherit innovation in light of the requirements of the times. Celebrate the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China and the 98th anniversary of the founding of the party. Taking Tianfu Culture, Nansi Road Culture, Wenjun Culture and Wenlv Culture as the carriers, the company will further promote the achievements of the construction of Chengdu Tianfu Ancient Town, show its profound local historical and cultural heritage and unique humanistic charm, and fully demonstrate “taking the mountain as the screen. A thousand-year old town cultural brand with water as a mirror. Focusing on building China's music capital and international music city, Chengdu has become the dream capital of music practitioners and the dream paradise of the world music family. As one of the five major music towns that Chengdu has built, Pingle takes the opportunity of the 2019 Nansi Road International Cultural Tourism Festival to hold the 7th "With Guitar to Pingle" national participation "Da Ren Xiu" competition. . Diversify to create the charm of the music town.
Activity ideas
Around the Nansi Road International Cultural Tourism Festival, this tourism cultural and creative brand, with the unique Wenjun culture, kiln culture, alcoholism culture, Nansi Road culture, red culture, cultural and cultural culture activities. The activity content is based on the folk music of Qixi Love Song. It will be integrated into the traditional Chinese folk culture, Qixi Festival, showing the charm of traditional culture. At the same time, it will display the unique cultural connotation of Nansi Road and carry forward the “One Belt, One Road” open spirit to show in an in-depth and vivid way. "Exquisite 邛崃" and the charm of the music town. Taking music competition as the main body, combining music with art and culture, better promoting the music, culture, mission and development of Pingle Ancient Town, deepening the cultural foundation of the whole nation and developing the awareness of participation of the whole people.
when and where
Competition time: September 6, 7th, 13th, 14th, 19:00-21:00
Venue: Pingsha Guyan Music Square, Pingle Ancient Town